Lately my favorite shopping hot spots have been at boutiques on Melrose and on Santee Alley. I've been slowly straying away from shopping at malls and from major labels now because everything I see are the same {boooo}. Top notch fashion bloggers all wear the same trending pieces and outfits, and it's just not so inspiring to me anymore. They wear the same designers around the same time I noticed.. And it gets boring {to me at least}. In these little mom and pop stores you just never know what you can find! And sometimes they set the trend for the bigger names in fashion. I found this perfect summer dress on Santee Alley and fell in love with the color and design. This style definitely reminded me of a Spanish flamenco dress. This is like getting in touch with my roots! I used to take a Flamenco class back in high school.. I just need to throw on my character shoes and, voila! Tap, tap, tappity tap!
Cecico dress / ASOS wedge heels / Melrose Trading Post bracelets