
The past is gone, the future is not yet here. All you have is the present, this very moment. 

{ Three years ago, drawing hands used to be my worst nightmare. Now I love it. } 

Happy New Years everyone! I'm pretty excited to begin fresh new work to share with you and to continue trend researching. With that, I hope you're enjoying my new website layout as much as I am...! I've also started to add new { and old } prints to sell in my shop!


I've seriously improved in my illustrating over the last three years since I began this blog.. So much that I never use a pencil anymore or do base sketches with one. Not to mention I don't erase any of my work either! That's how my intuitive illustrating was born.. It's like I learned how to do a handstand without a wall { which is actually still a work in progress for me! }. But anyway, I've come so far working day by day trying to reach my fullest potential. And I finally feel even more confident in my work today that it no longer feels like I'm struggling with any particular area. I'm just free flowing with it now.. I'm really grateful for the abundance of support that I get. And I'm really happy that my work is appreciated by people around the world that come across it on my Instagram. So thank you all...

I'm not quite sure what I'll do next, but nowadays when inspiration hits me over the head, I get a major download of it and act on it instantly. I'm going to continue illustrating fashion trends all throughout the year in the most creative way I can. Pretttty excited to see how that goes! I really don't have any goals for this new year, but just to make authentic choices and do what makes me happy. I want to keep surprising myself and others with my work. Oh- and I need to finish every sketchbook I have before buying a new one. I'm seriously wasting money every time. Happy New Year!


xx ss