
Just came back from my best friend's beautiful wedding in Cancun, Mexico! And I am happy to be home because it's time to decompress.

Being a short trip { 3 nights, 4 days } it felt like a week. I really maximized my time in Mexico as much as I could. As soon as I arrived at the Azul Fives resort in Cancun, I was greeted with a glass of white sparkling white wine. And that was the start of my adventure. An abundance of food and drinks - all inclusive! Being by myself without my boyfriend at the wedding was somewhat a challenge to my emotions. But we've been FaceTiming each other everyday and it has seriously helped me. :) { He's the best.

I wish I took more pictures but it's hard to when you're just in the moment enjoying the company of friends and loved ones. Plus, I didn't want to risk losing my phone every time I pulled it out.

This was probably the most beautiful wedding I've been to. I came home with a number of bug bites, a large bruise on my knee, a burned back, bloody ankles, and a smile on my face. There was lots of laughter, tears, a little drama here and there { yikes! }, but most of all, love for the newlyweds.

xx ss