Here's a couple of things I like to take inspiration from.. It can come from anything random! They're definitely brain refreshers whenever I'm thinking inside of the box too much instead of outside. I'm pretty open-minded towards everything and I think that's important to me because it allows me to learn and be creative.
Have I mentioned how much I love the ocean? This was like a dream to me to be standing in front of a huge aquarium with a school of fish swimming right by. I fell in love instantly! The ocean life is so relaxing to me.. I could sit and watch these fish swim all day.
The color on this starfish is amazing. B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.. I'm going to use this guy one day for one of my paintings. I also got to touch it! Weeee...
This past weekend I went to Unique LA with Jessica to check out awesome artists and clothes. The Human Tree Robot is one of my favorites. I recently bought a tree artwork he did at the Melrose Trading Post. It was cool to run into him again :) I wanted to take a photo of his wall display. It's so neat to see it all together.
I love to see other people's illustrations. I was happy to see Jill Aiko Yee's on display with her clothing collection. It's so much more personal I think.. It's especially fun to see and study different techniques of sketching. I love the way she illustrates the faces on her girls. It's what makes her illustrations unique and hers.
I love this style of art! It's a bunch of loose quirky lines of different places and architectures this artist likes to illustrate. It's definitely inspiring. It's definitely a style I want to experiment when drawing.. stay tuned for that!
The display of this vintage suitcase filled with coasters. It was cleverly arranged.
The most unique type of artists out there to me are the ones that can distort the human face and body. I like the creepy style.. and I love the idea that this artist displayed her work on cups and mugs. It's so awesome.. I'm about to purchase one of them actually! I'll share it once I receive it :)
What inspires you?