, The House of Intuition; another learning experience and aid to my life along with all the help and support I have from my friends and family. This place is filled with tons of positive energry and interesting people. I've learned to keep a very open mind which has kept me balanced and a little..bit.. happier :)
My Disneyland pass.. I intend to renew this every year and continue to enjoy this with great friends and maybe even with someone special ;) Disneyland is one of the few places that lifts my spirit!
Mister Junior Grumpy Gills is a desk pet I share with 3 other co-workers in the office. He equalizes the energry whenever there is tension or instability at work. He's also an energetic little guy and makes a beautiful display of nature in our workspace. :)
I'm blessed to have a job in the industry that I've wanted to work in since I was sixteen. If I were to go back in time, I wouldn't do anything different. I've always done well and was never worried about where or how I would end up in the future. I think of all things I feel the most secure in my career path. :)